Gábor Bindics
He studied Cultural Management at the University of Pécs and Alternative Energy Sources at the Technical University in Budapest. Gábor worked in the National Portrait Gallery in London, in Paris he founded the first Middle-European cinema, which subsequently gained the official art-cinema status. He is the founder of Cultural Centre Dunaj, the courier service Švihaj Šuhaj in Bratislava and the Association Old Market Hall.
József Czajlik
Graduated from the Vocational Technical School, afterwards he became a member of the Thália theatre in Košice. From 1994 till 1995 he was a member of the Jókai theatre and from 1995 – 1997 of the Thália theatre again. From 1997 till 2002 he studied Stage Directing in Bratislava, later he was the head of the Bárka theatre in Budapest. Since 2011 he is the stage director of the Thália theatre.
Dusan Hégli
He is the art director of the Ifjú Szívek Dance Theatre in Bratislava. Apart from his creative occupation he also operates as a member of the Slovak-Hungarian Folklore Association board, as the leading man of Ifjú Szívek he takes part at various domestic and international events both as an organiser and performing artist (festivals, seminars, dance courses, educational courses for dance teachers at elementary and high schools). He danced and taught dancing in Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Germany, Austria, Venezuela, Australia, United States of America and Canada.
József Juhász R.
He is an artist and poet awarded with the Forbáth, Madách and Kassák awards, based on his prominent activity in arts and culture he also achieved the Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. He took part at the founding processes of various domestic and international organisations (Stúdió erté, Vydavateľstvo Kaligram, IAPAO, Kassákovo stredisko, Kultúrne korzó). He gained his experience at managing those organisations.
Adél Strieženec
She obtained her Diploma at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra in the field of social work with a specialisation in Romani communities. Later she was employed at the elementary school in Štvrtok na Ostrove as an assistant to Roma children. She worked as a pedagogue in children’s homes as well. Since 2011 she works as a project assistant at the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities.
Honorary chairman
Rudolf Chmel
Rudolf Chmel worked as the last Czechoslovak ambassador in Budapest. Afterwards as an essayist and politician he tried to bring sense into the delusional statements by Slovak and Hungarian nationalists. He finished his studies at the Commenius University in Bratislava with a Phd. title, where he later became the head of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature. From 2002 till 2005 he was the minister of culture and from 2002 till 2012 he was the vice-chairman of Department of Human Rights and National Minorities.
Management of the Institute
Zoltán Szalay, Réka Szabó